Shiri Appleby #3
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- misiopuchatek
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- Location: Kraków
No pięknie.
Miesiąc od ostatniego posta u Shiri !!
Heh ale się opie****...bijam.
Pora na garść njusów bo nazbierało się ich troszeczkę.
Na DVD z sezonem 3 Roswell w USA jako dodatek znajdzie się film o pobycie Shiri w Japonii. Będą tam wszystkie wywiady które swego czasu oglądaliśmy na sieci w jakości powiedzmy, że przeciętnej. Lecz tym razem będą one krystalicznie ostre, a będzie na co popatrzeć. Plus dodatkowe urywki z chwil w których Shiri zwiedzała Japonię.
Mały sampel.
Jesteśmy po premierze kolejnego filmu z naszym słoneczkiem. Tym razem Pizza My Heart. Filmu jeszcze nie oglądałem bo komputer na to nie pozwala ale cały czas pracuję nad przerobieniem go do "normalnych" rozmiarów. 700MB, XviD etc.
W zeszły weekend odbyła się coroczna impreza BAT (Bowl A Thon jakby co). Wśród zaproszonych gości, którzy potwierdzili swoje przybycie byli Bren i Nick. Ale prawdziwą niespodzianką było pojawienie się...naszej Shiri. Informacja ta była ukryta dosłownie do ostatniej sekundy. Wszyscy byli oczywiście bardzo miło zaskoczeni - szczęściarze... Z relacji uczestników można się dowiedzieć, że Shiri jak zawsze jest przesłodka i przekochana ale także o tym, że nadal pracuje nad 1/4 life oraz nad kilkoma innymi projektami. Co mnie osobiście bardzo cieszy.
Zdjątko by cheriedreams
To chyba ostatnia nowinka.
Wreszcie wiadomo co z filmem Havoc. Powołując się na Havoc zostanie wypuszczony w USA od razu na DVD 29 listopada 2005 roku. DVD będzie miało 2 wersję R (czyli jak się domyślam to ta która miała trafić do amerykańskich kin) oraz uncut czyli niecenzurowana. Do tego na płycie znajdziemy zwiastun kinowy - którego nawiasem mówiąc nie można nigdzie zobaczyć - oraz angielskie i hiszpańskie napisy.
UFF naklikałem się.
To chyba wszystko co miałem napisać. Jeśli coś sobie przypomnę to wpadnę jeszcze.
Przepraszam za styl i ewentualne błędy ale jestem ostatnio w kiepskim stanie...
Miesiąc od ostatniego posta u Shiri !!
Heh ale się opie****...bijam.
Pora na garść njusów bo nazbierało się ich troszeczkę.
Na DVD z sezonem 3 Roswell w USA jako dodatek znajdzie się film o pobycie Shiri w Japonii. Będą tam wszystkie wywiady które swego czasu oglądaliśmy na sieci w jakości powiedzmy, że przeciętnej. Lecz tym razem będą one krystalicznie ostre, a będzie na co popatrzeć. Plus dodatkowe urywki z chwil w których Shiri zwiedzała Japonię.
Mały sampel.
Jesteśmy po premierze kolejnego filmu z naszym słoneczkiem. Tym razem Pizza My Heart. Filmu jeszcze nie oglądałem bo komputer na to nie pozwala ale cały czas pracuję nad przerobieniem go do "normalnych" rozmiarów. 700MB, XviD etc.
W zeszły weekend odbyła się coroczna impreza BAT (Bowl A Thon jakby co). Wśród zaproszonych gości, którzy potwierdzili swoje przybycie byli Bren i Nick. Ale prawdziwą niespodzianką było pojawienie się...naszej Shiri. Informacja ta była ukryta dosłownie do ostatniej sekundy. Wszyscy byli oczywiście bardzo miło zaskoczeni - szczęściarze... Z relacji uczestników można się dowiedzieć, że Shiri jak zawsze jest przesłodka i przekochana ale także o tym, że nadal pracuje nad 1/4 life oraz nad kilkoma innymi projektami. Co mnie osobiście bardzo cieszy.
Zdjątko by cheriedreams
To chyba ostatnia nowinka.
Wreszcie wiadomo co z filmem Havoc. Powołując się na Havoc zostanie wypuszczony w USA od razu na DVD 29 listopada 2005 roku. DVD będzie miało 2 wersję R (czyli jak się domyślam to ta która miała trafić do amerykańskich kin) oraz uncut czyli niecenzurowana. Do tego na płycie znajdziemy zwiastun kinowy - którego nawiasem mówiąc nie można nigdzie zobaczyć - oraz angielskie i hiszpańskie napisy.
UFF naklikałem się.
To chyba wszystko co miałem napisać. Jeśli coś sobie przypomnę to wpadnę jeszcze.
Przepraszam za styl i ewentualne błędy ale jestem ostatnio w kiepskim stanie...
- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
Wreszcie jest 
Zwiastun Havoca
Film zapowiada się ostro a Shiri baardzo gorrąco
Zresztą sami zobaczcie. Screeny na zachętę

We are totally bored

Zwiastun Havoca

Film zapowiada się ostro a Shiri baardzo gorrąco

Zresztą sami zobaczcie. Screeny na zachętę

We are totally bored

- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
Ufff uff uf.
Wczoraj wieczorkiem w Bostonie odbył się pokaz filmu "When Do We Eat."
Wkleję dwa opisy całego spotkania.
Jeju ale im zazdroszczę
Na początek Mr G:
Miłego czytania i oglądania.
Dodam jezcze dwa Roswell 10/2/00 i Thanette
Wczoraj wieczorkiem w Bostonie odbył się pokaz filmu "When Do We Eat."
Wkleję dwa opisy całego spotkania.
Jeju ale im zazdroszczę

Na początek Mr G:
I Behrsgirl1230:Mr G wrote:(...)
Spam, she truly is amazing. And, I'm pretty sure she reads these boards.
Oh god... where to begin.
I'd driven in to Boston early. First, because I was afraid the tickets would be sold out. Second, I'd read that there was going to be a pre-screening "party" and I had some vaguely formulated plan to crash it. Little did I know at that point how the evening would turn out... better than I ever hoped.
At 7:15 I finally gave up waiting outside for her limo to arrive. I went into the theater where Jen et al were all already seated. I sat in the row right behind the "reserved row" hoping that Shiri would sit in front of me (good thing she didn't because I'd have missed the movie - that would have been bad 'cuz the movie is excellent... more on that later).
As I was sitting there (popcorn and water in hand) I spotted the lady who had been passing out programs and selling tee-shirts (I left my tee shirt in the seat next to me - no big loss). She (program lady) was standing with a tiny (very thin) girl who looked about 12 (did I mention that it was dark in the theater?). Suddenly I heard that voice! The young girl was Shiri! Program lady walked out and Shiri moved into the row in front of ma and sat down almost directly in front of me. I said "Hi Shiri" and she turned around and looked right at me and said, "Hi, thanks for coming".
Alas.... it wasn't meant to last. One of Jen's group came down the aisle and abducted Shiri. I followed them down the aisle closer to Jen's group and listened while Shiri traded hair care tips with the girls (she trims her own bangs). This went on for about 15 minutes... I just watched.
About 7:35 the director showed up and he and Shiri went to sit in the back of the theater. They were probably afraid that if they sat in the row in front of us we would torment them with questions all through the movie.
The movie was really, really good. Fricken hilarious. For those of you who aren't familiar with the story - Shiri plays the daughter of Michael Lerner's charactor. She is a "sex-surrogate" (hi-tech prostitute). There are some great lines related to that...
After the credits rolled Shiri and the director sat in chairs in front of the audience to answer questions. I only asked one question… “Shiri, what’s next”?
I have to say, when she turns those brown laser beams on you… words just stick in your throat.
Anyway, she answered my question by talking about 1/4 Life. Basically, she said she’s hoping for midseason replacement or fall of 2006. I mumbled., “Me too”. She giggled.
After the question period, Shiri and the director said they would be outside for questions, autographs and pics. I made my way out, brushing by Shiri on my way :sigh:
Then the most amazing thing happened!!!! Shiri joined our group! We stood there in the theater hallway like a group of friends. Shiri was like the friend who’s been away and everyone asking how she’s doing. She laughed and giggled with the 8 of us for about 30 minutes. During this time we took group pics and then everyone goes… “Mr G you have to have a pic with Shiri”. So they pushed me against her… She put her arm around me… and I put my arm around her. I put my hand on her hip… :sigh:
Finally, Shiri said she had to get back to her hotel. Apparently she had been up pretty late the evening before (she was in NYC). I asked her if she was in NYC for business or pleasure – she put on this cute expression and said “It was for me” and then giggled.
We walked Shiri out of the theater. Her entourageI told her to “stay safe” for which she thanked me. I fought the urge to kiss her good night.
After she got in her town car she rolled down the window and yelled “bye” to all of us.
I’m still wondering if it was all a dream.
Actually... she said that right now she's not working. She is hoping that 1/4 Life gets picked up for midseason or the 2006 season. But, she is currently looking for work.
As for what she was wearing? I'm a guy so don't ask me. I remember pants and a shawl. Oh yeah, high heels which she took off to show us how tall she really was... I remember looking at her toes - she had red nail polsh on her toe nails
I znów się okazało, że Shiri jest najnormalniejszą w świecie dziewczyną. A nie rozpuszczoną pseudo gwiazdą. Zawsze uśmiechnięta, radosna, otwarta. Cudeńko !Behrsgirl1230 wrote:Ok so here's my recap of what happened last night lol...I posted some pics on the other board, but if anyone wants to see all of them you can go here. If you choose to repost them anywhere please give me credit for the pics. Thanks![]()
First of all....Friday night at around 2:30am, we were all hungry so we went to this pizza place in honor of "Pizza My Heart". So we're ordering our pizza and all of a sudden I look up and see this...PMH
I started crying when I saw it. I'm so surprised I didn't cry when I met her. Although she did tell me that I would probably go home that night and cry hahaha.
My friend and I got to the movie theatre at 6:15 and were the first ones there. They told us we can go inside the theatre but we couldn't sit in the front row because that was reserved so of course we sat in the second row haha. People started coming inside at around 6:45 7:00. We were all talking and at 7:26 Shiri walked in. I went into shock. She was talking to someone in the front and then she turned around and waved to everyone in the theatre and said hi. Then she sat down in the first seat in that first row. My friend isn't really a fan so she was looking at all of us wondering why we weren't going up to her. So she walked right up to her and told her what a huge fan I am so Shiri came right up to me and gave me a hug. I was shaking so much and she wouldn't stop telling me how cute I was haha. I gave her a letter that I wrote for her and then she signed my Teen Magazine with her on the cover and she signed my "A Time For Dancing" dvd. Then she was just sitting right in front of me just talking to all of us for a while. My legs started shaking soooo much so she put her hand on my leg and just said "Aww look at you you're so cute" hahah. We talked for a little while and then she signed autographs for everyone that wanted one. I get my haircut to look like hers and she commented on my hair and I asked her what she does to hers and she told me haha, so now I can really make my hair look like hers!![]()
After that it was time for the movie to start so she went to sit down and said she'd take pictures after the movie. The movie was really funny. She did such an AMAZING job in it. She was soooo funny. When the movie was over she as well as the director did a Q&A for about 10 minutes. Then we went into the lobby and she came out and took pictures with all of us. She came up to me and held my hand and gave me another hug and thanked me so much for the letter I gave her. I think that meant the most to me.After we took pictures she probably stayed and talked to us for a good 20 minutes. She was soooooo nice I still can't believe it all happened. As we were walking out her and I were just having a normal conversation and I even got to share an escalator step with her! hahaha. We got outside and her driver was waiting and she got in her car and told my friend and I to have a safe trip back. So we started walking back to our hotel and as she drove past us she rolled down her window and screamed "Bye Ladies!!" to us. It was incredible and the most amazing experience and the best night of my life. I'm not gonna lie, I met the Backstreet Boys 4 times this year and last night was better than all 4 of those times put together.
I'm still in shock. She's my idol and I look up to her so much, and the fact that she's soooo nice makes me love her even more! haha.
Here's a pic of the group of us with her-> GROUP
Miłego czytania i oglądania.
Dodam jezcze dwa Roswell 10/2/00 i Thanette
Roswell 10/2/00 wrote: Hi Everyone,
They say dreams do come true and one of my dreams came true this weekend. I can't even put into words the emotions I am feeling. It is still all so surreal to me. I never thought I would ever actually meet a celebrity or someone famous, let alone some one from the cast of Roswell. I remember watching Roswell and thinking how amazing it would be to meet the cast some day. Well I finally did meet a member of the cast of Roswell and I met my first actress Shiri Appleby.
I arrived in Boston on September 9,2005 and met up with Jen,Crystal,Kristin and her friend Molly we all checked into the Double Tree hotel in Boston to begin our Adventure. It was great to see and meet everyone. We had a blast watching Jen's music videos and talking about our favorite especially from Roswell and Shiri related things. Afterwards we went to get some pizza in honor of Shiri at a place called New York Pizza in Boston by the Theater the film was going to be at. It was pretty funny because fate must have been on our side because there was a Pizza box with the poster for Shiris movie Pizza My Heart on it. I thought Kristin was going to die she was in shock and begged the guy to have it. But alas it did not work but we got pictures of it. Then we went back to the hotel and ate pizza and talked about the day ahead of us.
The next day we got up and met up with Carol and Carolyn . It was awesome to see everyone. The Dreamer Guardian Angel sisters Me, Jen and Carolyn were reunited for our 3rd Annual "Up North" Boston trip. In honor I made everyone who came a Dreamer CD of all songs I enjoy as well as others from past Up North Trips. Everyone loved it.
After that we went and picked up our tickets for the Boston Film Festival for Shiri's movie When Do We Eat and got some Boston Film Festival booklets. After that we went out to breakfast and of course starbucks. We then went and toured around Boston for a while went to Quincy Market saw the Up North street sign and did some shopping. After that we took the T line to Cambridge to meet up with Mai and Loretta for dinner at John Harvard’s. It was awesome we saw Harvard in honor of Liz Parker and a jeep that looked like Bob from Roswell. We then met up with Mai by some open circle where there was a guy playing the guitar and singing John Lennon "Strawberry Fields Forever" How ironic is that I was dying. It couldn't have been more perfect for our weekend trip. We then went to John Harvard’s for dinner which was a great time.
After that we then took the T line back to the Hotel to get ready for the 7:30 showing of the movie. It was hysterical on the way there the street walk signs beep to let you know it is safe to cross but it sounds like the beeping at the end of destiny with the orbs so every time we would hear it we would quote Howie from the Backstreet Boys and the last quotes from Destiny "It has begun" and "What do we do now Max"I was dying.
We then arrived at the theater and got our seats in the front. It was so funny we ran into other Shiri Roswell fans who went to BU and the guy sitting behind us turned out to be a long time college film school friend of the director Salvador Litvak. Then some one called out Jen's name and it was John aka Mr.G and we were yelling out Mr.G It was great seeing everyone and talking about the fan forum sights and about Shiri. It was funny Kristin’s friend Molly was like "Oh god there are more like you out there" In reference to Kristin and her obsessions.
Then a guy who worked for the theater came in to sell drinks and snakes before the show started. Let me just say this guy was a riot!! :lmao: he was hysterical. It was great talking to him. Then Carolyn aka Roswool pulled out her handprint stamp and started stamping everyone's hands with a silver hand print. She also was so kind to make us all copies of Shiri picture from when she met her the first time at the BAT for us to have for her to sign. I also brought a special gift for her I had an extra Dreamer CD that I made for everyone and Carolyn stamped the CD with a silver hand print. So I could give to her.
All of the sudden I turned and saw a guy wearing a hat and a girl wrapped in a dark black shawl with long brown hair I knew it was Shiri. Everyone was like I think that is her. I wasn't really nervous my heart was pounding a little but I figured she was a human being after all who is just like us and wanted to show her support for her work on the film. Then some one said her name Shiri. She smiled and was really grateful we all showed up she came right over and started talking to us. I was really taken back by how grateful and sweet she was to everyone. She was shy and nice in a very humbling down to earth sort of way. I was really blown away by how sweet and nice she was. She came over to where I was sitting and started talking to Carolyn and signed her picture from the Bowl- A- Thon. She then came over to me. As strange as it sounds it felt like seeing an old friend who I saw over the years with Roswell and everything. I was so moved by how sweet she was. And started talking to her even though in the back of my mind I was like "Your talking to Shiri Appleby" but I just kept on saying she is human just like you and me. So it eased my nerves and her calmness was very soothing. She was so easy to talk to. I asked her if she would mind signing the picture of her for me and she said not at all and asked how to spell my name.
After that I handed her my Dreamer CD she asked me if she wanted her to sign it and I said "No. This is a gift I made this for you." She then looked at it amazed and was really touched and said "aw you are so sweet. You made this wow." Then I told her how I made it for everyone and how we try to get together once a year in Boston. Shiri was so cute she then smiled and said "Do you watch Roswell related things." I told her yes. Though for some reason I was slightly embarrassed and hope she didn't find me odd or weird but I found it funny as well. And Carolyn explained to her about the "Up North" Trips. But she smiled and laughed and thought it was really sweet. She then thanked me for the CD and told me how thoughtful it was. She then went down the line and met the rest of us.
After that she told us how excited she was about the movie and how proud she was with how it came out and that she would be more then willing to stay and hang out with us afterwards for pictures and what not.
Then the director and Shiri came up and were announced and how there would be a Q&A after the Movie When Do We Eat . The movie was hysterical I was dying. I never laughed that much in my life. It was very good and very well done. The director’s wife wrote part of the script. It was very endearing and sweet at the end. The director Salvador Litvar and Shiri sat in the typical directors chairs (I love those chairs they are so cool) and started the Q and A most of the questions were asked by us. I even asked the director some questions being I found the film so interesting. Both him and Shiri were great but I felt kind of bad with the amount of camera's going off I was even blinded so I can't see how they could hold a thought with out seeing anything. But I am sure they are used to it but I can how stars are annoyed by it but they seemed fine with the flashes and pictures. I guess so being the director even asked it we could post them on the website so I guess we did well in his book.
It was pretty funny when we asked if any other cast members were going to be there and the director said that Ben Feldman was going to be there but couldn't make it at the last minute. Mai your reaction was priceless with you saying how upset you were he wasn't there.![]()
The director told us that the movie When Do We Eat is coming to all Theaters in either march or April when ever Passover is, being the movie is about a family's Passover meal. They said that the movie is in the tradition of movies like my Big Fat Greek wedding so right away you know it is going to be good and how grateful he was for taking a risk and making this movie being religion and Hollywood don't really mix to well but trust me I am glad he did take on the challenge it was hysterical and very touching so I am very happy it is going to be out in theaters soon.
After that we then waited in the Lobby and waited for Shiri. She was so sweet taking photos and talking and fooling around with us she felt like one of the group which was awesome. Mai that was great when she took off her shoes to see how tall you two where and how she and Kristin had on the same dark red nail polish you so pegged it Kristin![]()
I then forgot I didn't sign her CD so I told of "Oh I forgot to sign your CD" and she was like oh you don't have to I should be the one signing it. I was like no really you sign autographs all the time the least I could do was to trade places with you. It’s no problem." She laughed at that and I signed her Dreamer "Up North" CD. I sighed it To Shiri Thanks for everything. God Bless. Keep on Dreaming. Love Erin I then handed it back to her she was so happy. But the best was talking to her about Jason Behr her costar also Max Evans on Roswell. She was going on and on about how sweet and hot and gorgeous he is.
It was hysterical she even made a comment on how great a kisser he was. We then told her the story about seeing the Pizza My Heart Box at the pizza place by the theater she that she should stop by and how we showed her the picture she then said how her costar love interest was nice and a great kisses but nothing like Jason and she rolled her eyes in bliss and her face lit up. It was too cute.
We then got a group picture with her. It was great being it was only a very small group of us and there was no press or security so we really got a chance to talk and hang out with her. She was telling us how she was in New York for two days before she came to Boston and how she has been on vacation just relaxing being she has been working she much. She was so gracious that we all came to the showing of When Do We Eat and hoped we liked it. We then walked out of the theater with her talking and laughing all the way. She then said how touched she was we all came and that it was nice meeting us all. She then went into the black car waiting to pick her us along with the director. It was funny when she got into the car she pulled down the window and said goodbye to us all and that it was great meeting us all.
It felt like a dream the whole experience meeting her. She has to be and I am not just saying this because she is famous and a star or actress and what not the sweetest nicest down to earth person I have ever met. It was such a pleasure to meet her. I wish her only the best in life. She truly is a wonderful good natured kind caring soul and probably the nicest person I have met. God bless her in all that she does. I wish her nothing but the best. She truly loves what she does and it shows. She is very passionate about her work yet very humble when it comes to fans. That in itself I feel is a true gift and quality that so many actors and actresses lack they believe that it is all about them when in reality you lose sight of the fact that acting is very much a craft and collaboration of team work and learning and working with all different types of people on so many levels. So it touches me to know that there are people out there who truly are moved by the support they get and love their craft and what they do.
Meeting Shiri was such an honor it felt like she was one of us because she is. To be honest towards the end of the night when we were saying goodbye to her I felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend. It was a great day and one I will treasure forever. Shiri if you are lurking which rumor has it sometimes you do. I just want to say thank you. Thank for a wonderful time and for being you. Oh and I hope you enjoy the CD. It was an honor. God bless.
Afterwards we all went to Finally’s for dessert. Mai Thanks for the recommendation it was amazing!!Oh and that was so sweet of you to give Jen a birthday cake to take home It was awesome getting together to talk about the movie and to celebrate Jen Birthday and everyone’s good news in there lives!! We had an amazing time. After that we went back to the hotel and got ready to go home the next day and went to bed.
In the morning we said goodbye to Kristin and Molly and checked out of the hotel.
Kristin it was great meeting you!! We had a blast oh and tell Molly I hope her voice is feeling better and I hope we didn't scare her too much this weekend hanging out with us. She is really sweet.
After that Me, Jen, and Crystal met up with Loretta and Carolyn and Carol and her mom for breakfast. I went and got my film developed which was funny everyone was shocked as to how much Shiri and I look like we could be related. Loretta was like you two could be sister's and Mai was like yeah it's scary. Even my mom agreed when I told herAfter that we went and got some coffee at Starbucks and then we said our goodbyes.
Over all it was an amazing weekend and one I will never forget. I was getting a little teary eyed writing this because it is all starting to sink in as to just how wonderful and fun this weekend was. Thank you everyone for an amazing weekend it is one that is definitely going in the history books.
I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would meet someone from the cast of Roswell or met my first and might I add one of my favorite actresses up close. It was just amazing. But then I guess that is one thing that life and the show Roswell has taught me is to never give up on your dreams because if you believe enough in them they might just come true.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Pictures from our amazing weekend
Photo 1 <- Me and Shiri
Photo 2 <- The Group shot inside the Theater with our Ultimate Dreamer
Photo 3 <- Audographing my gift to Shiri: Her very own Dreamer "Up North" CD (notice the silver hand print special thanks to Carolyn)
Thanette wrote:Hi all
Glad Jen, Crystal and Erin got in safely. Erin, thanks for your story. You know I love hanging out with all of you. What a great time we had.
Here’s my contribution:
In the theater, they had a row reserved for VIPs. We sat behind. The whole group was about 12 or so and we took up practically the whole row! Shiri stood in the empty VIP row and was gracious enough to move down the row before the movie began and signed autographs or, in my case programs, for each one of us and chat with us a while. She mentioned she loved Boston and was visiting friends there.
The movie was great. We all loved it! Shiri was excellent. A really different role for her and she was great in it.
During the Q&A Mr. G asked her what her next project was and she talked about ¼ life being a great project, the best she's ever been involved with and that they were still working on it and they hoped it would be a mid-season replacement or new fall series next year.
I asked how she had become attached to "When do we eat" and she said she had loved the script and it was such a pleasure to work with a script that so good. The director then chimed in and said how they had auditioned lots of actresses for her role but weren’t happy with anyone. When Shiri auditioned she didn't interpret the role the way they thought it should be but it was so bold of an interpretation that they thought they would give her a try. They thought she got the idea of the film especially with her background - she knew what a seder was. The director said how happy he was that Shiri was in the movie. That she took direction well and was a pleasure to work with. The movie took about 32 days to actually shoot but of course months of preparation before and lots of work after. The director also said it was shot pretty much in sequence.
The religious music was by a cantor who lived in Haight Ashbury in the 60’s - sort of a hippie type -- but wrote such good music, everyone was now using him in religious services as if the melodies were in fact ancient! He said the music rights took the longest of all (sound familiar).
At one point the director said “you guys are great” - perhaps in reference to the fact that we asked the first (and probably the most) questions at the Q&A.
Afterward, when Shiri was talking to us and taking pix outside the theater in the lobby, Kristen (I think) asked her who her favorite designer was and she said she didn’t bother about her clothes that much. I remember someone mentioned later that Shiri was asked about her hair and she said she trims her bangs and ends herself to maintain it.
Did anyone mention Roswool stamping Shiri’s hand with the silver handprint stamp? Carolyn asked if she wanted one and she said “Sure”. I think Jen has a pic of Shiri with the stamp on her hand. We had all gotten our hands stamped before the movie.
The director also said that he thought the movie was going to a festival in San Francisco (besides San Diego) and that it might be at a Jewish Film Festival in NY around 92 St. in November. We suspect it's the 92St St. Y.
I guess that's it for now.
- misiopuchatek
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- Location: Kraków
Freju, nie dziwnie tylko oryginalnie
Bo wszystko co oryginalne jest lepsze - pieniądze, jeansy i Ona też 

Btw Shiri nie miała żadnego makijażu. To tak dla ciekawskich
Wracając do tematu
Shiri znów się nam pokaże już 24-25 września na festiwalu w San Diego. Jedzie ktoś ? 
Na uwagę zasługuje też obecność Colina
Ciekawe czy spędzą ze sobą troszkę czasu
Gosiu, WDWE to film kinowy. Czy trafi na nasze ekrany...ciężko ocenić. To produkcja niekomercyjna więc może być ciężko. Ale kto wie. I tak dowiemy się dopiero koło wakacji 2006.

Btw Shiri nie miała żadnego makijażu. To tak dla ciekawskich

Wracając do tematu

Na uwagę zasługuje też obecność Colina

Ciekawe czy spędzą ze sobą troszkę czasu

Gosiu, WDWE to film kinowy. Czy trafi na nasze ekrany...ciężko ocenić. To produkcja niekomercyjna więc może być ciężko. Ale kto wie. I tak dowiemy się dopiero koło wakacji 2006.
- misiopuchatek
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- Location: Kraków
- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
Kolejne njusy. Tym razem tylko trzy.
Najpierw zdjęcie.
Miramax Independent Spirit Awards Party
Marzec 2002

Poza tym, jak już wspominałem, Shiri odwiedziła festiwal filmowy w San Diego. Narazie tylko miniaturki. Być może uda mi się zdobyć większe. Choć będzie ciężko bo te są z FilmMagic a Mediavast ma dobrych prawników...

<- Razem z Colinem. Jednak się spotkali.
I na koniec. DVD "Everything You Want" wyjdzie około kwietnia 2006r. Oczywiście to data dla USA.
Najpierw zdjęcie.
Miramax Independent Spirit Awards Party
Marzec 2002

Poza tym, jak już wspominałem, Shiri odwiedziła festiwal filmowy w San Diego. Narazie tylko miniaturki. Być może uda mi się zdobyć większe. Choć będzie ciężko bo te są z FilmMagic a Mediavast ma dobrych prawników...

I na koniec. DVD "Everything You Want" wyjdzie około kwietnia 2006r. Oczywiście to data dla USA.
- misiopuchatek
- Zainteresowany
- Posts: 390
- Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:39 pm
- Location: Kraków
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