Moderator: Olka
Nie przypuszczam żeby to miało jakikolwiek związek z tym ze spotkali się wcześniej.(Kate runs and tackles Sawyer back down on the ground. She's on top.)
SAWYER: Well, it's about time.
KATE: For what?
SAWYER: I made this birthday wish four years ago.
Korean Translations from Episodes 1.1 & 1.2 ("Pilot"):
Translations by "HONALULUROB"
From the ABC Message Boards
(Sitting around the fire the first night)
"Don't leave my sight, follow me, understand? Don't worry about the others, we have to stay together."
(Taking shelter during the rain)
Jin (to man):
"No, no, no, there is no room for you. Go somewhere else."
(Jin is saying this because he doesn't want another man too close to his wife)
(Michael asking Jin & Sun if they have seen Walt)
Sun (to Michael):
"Sorry, I can't speak English. Sorry, I can't speak English."
Jin (to Sun):
"Button your shirt, hurry."
(While Kate is bathing in the ocean)
"Excuse me, it's ready. They are looking for you."
(Sun is talking about the transceiver)
(Jin offering sun gae (sea urchin) to Hurley on the beach)
"This is tasty food, try some. It's sun gae. If you eat it, it will give you strength. Please eat. I have enough for everyone."
(This is customary in Korea to make sure that everyone eats. Food is very important in Korean culture)
(Jin offering sun gae (sea urchin) to Claire on the beach)
"This is sun gae, try some please. You have to eat for the baby, try at least one. This one, eat this one.
How is that? Good? Eat one more."
(Claire's baby starts moving and she tries to get Jin to feel the baby move)
"Are you OK? No, no, no, don't do this. No, no, no. Please let my hand go."
Korean Translations from Episode 1.4 ("Walkabout"):
Translations by "HONALULUROB"
From the ABC Message Boards
(After the crash, on the beach)
"Honey! Honey!"
(After the boars were found in the fuselage)
"What was that?"
(Michael asking Sun to watch Walt)
Sun (to Michael):
"I will take care of your son."
Sun (to Walt):
"Don't worry, your father will be fine."
(Walt asking Sun what she is using on her teeth)
Po kolejnych odcinkach też będę wklejał jeśli chcecieKorean Translations from Episode 1.5 ("White Rabbit"):
Translations by "HONALULUROB"
From the ABC Message Boards
(Sun and Jin on the beach watching Michael and Walt)
(This part was subtitled but the subtitles are a little different from what is actually said)
"Look at your lips. You need water."
"I'm OK, thank you. When will someone tell us. I don't know what to do. No one is going to try to find us."
"Don't worry, someone will come."
"Everybody ignores us, if we try harder to communicate..."
"We'll be fine. We don't need anyone else. I will tell you what to do."
(This is Jin's way of comforting her. He is still being the provider. This is where their culture is shown. The man must take care of the woman and she should listen. Koreans are very independent and really only like to deal with other Koreans. There is a comfort level in this)
(Sayid questioning Sun about the water)
Sun (to Sayid):
"I'm sorry, there is a misunderstanding."
Jin (yelling at Sayid):
"Beat it, SOB. If you touch my wife one more time I will kill you."
(Sayid never touched Sun but Jin came running from a distance so maybe he thought he saw Sayid touching her. This is Jin protecting his wife, something that any man of any race would do)
(Sun and Jin sitting around a fire)
"Thank you for getting me water."
"I'm your husband, that's what I'm supposed to do."
W porządku, masz rację. Dletego też jakoś nie uwierzyłam słowom Jacka, który na pytanie Kate, czy ją lustrował, wymyślił że niby się nad czymś zastanawiał. Chodzi mi o to, że mężczyźni oprócz mózgu w rosporku, mają jeszcze ten w głowie, który wbrew pozorom także działa i nierzadko to on podejmuje decyzjeGraalion wrote:A mężczyzna pozostaje mężczyzną. Jeśli laska taka jak Kate z nim flirtuje, a ten nie zwracana nią uwagi, to to dla mnie jest nienaturalne.
Mnie z kolei zawsze denerwowało, gdy główny bohater odrzuca seks z piękna bohaterką z bliżej niesprecyzowanych powodów.
To też było źle przetłumaczone. I w sumie zniszczyło scenę.(Jack waits behind her.)
(As she ties her shoe, she glances back at Jack.)
KATE: You checking me out?
JACK: What?
KATE: There's no harm in it. I just --
JACK: (chuckles) Trust me, if I was checking you out, you'd know it.
KATE: Yeah? So then what were you thinking? Right now.
JACK: Well, I sure as hell wasn't thinking that.
KATE: Don't stop to think. Just ... tell me.
JACK: (smiles) I was thinking that if we were living at the caves, we could
build a damn around that spring so that everybody could have fresh water and we
could get the infirmary off the beach.
(Kate doesn't say anything.)
To wcale nie znaczy że jest zły w podpatrywaniu, ale wręcz przeciwnie. Że gdyby ją lustrował (tak to chyba najlepiej przetłumaczyć), ona by to na pewno wiedziała. Czyli że nie musiałaby się pytać.Trust me, if I was checking you out, you'd know it.
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