Shiri Appleby #3

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Post by misiopuchatek » Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:13 pm

Najnowszy wywiad Shiri ze strony Zap2It. Wkleje cały bo nie wiem jak długo bedzie działał ;)
Former 'Roswell' Star Wants 'Everything'
(Saturday, April 16 12:04 AM)
By Jay Bobbin


LOS ANGELES ( - If you hope for true romance, keeping an imaginary love interest might not be the best move.

The lesson is a hard one for the heroine of "Everything You Want," a gentle, charming romantic comedy premiering Sunday, April 17, on ABC Family. Played by former "Roswell" star Shiri Appleby, Abby struggles to resist Quinn (Nick Zano), the cousin of her roommate, Jessica (Alexandra Holden). To keep him at bay, she makes frequent mention of "Sy" (Orlando Seale, "Hysteria: The Def Leppard Story"), who has long existed only in her mind as the image of the ideal boyfriend.

As art student Abby reluctantly tutors fellow pupil Quinn, she gradually falls for him, but she's hesitant to give up Sy ... who Quinn believes is real. Ultimately, Abby has to make a choice between the suitor residing in her imagination and the one facing her. Will Friedle ("Boy Meets World") and Edie McClurg co-star.


Adapted from Natalie Prado's play "Sy's Girl," "Everything You Want" was made as an independent feature, then ABC Family acquired it. "After I decided to do it, I was shown the play," Appleby says. "When we were working with the script, [the filmmakers] were pretty open to ideas and weren't sticklers about staying with the exact content of the play. It was more about the overall concept."

Appleby enjoyed playing out Abby's internal flights of fancy, but she also is glad the tale stays largely reality-based. "The Sy stuff is interjected only intermittently, so that you don't feel you're stuck in her imagination all the time," she says. "In those moments where things get tough for her, they allowed her to go into that other world. Orlando Seale and I really wanted to make that relationship real, so that it seemed she was actually involved with someone, instead of just escaping into nothing."

Part of Appleby's role called for having a paintbrush in her hand and a canvas in front of her. "I paint a little bit," she says, "but nothing that I would ever show anybody. There are some things in the back of my closet ... but as far as people looking at them, it's like, 'Don't even.'" As for the presumed authenticity of her on-screen painting, Appleby says, "It's the magic of film."

In the aftermath of her three-season run as alien-befriending Liz Parker on the series "Roswell," Appleby regularly gets science-fiction and fantasy offers. She occasionally accepts one, as with last year's Sci-Fi Channel movie "Darklight," but she's intent on keeping her career varied. "It's definitely about finding strong female characters," she says. "That's the point for me, regardless of the genre. Being offered a role like the one in this movie, which has comedic elements and romance, just helps me find a balance."

Still, Appleby appreciates the fans she retains from "Roswell," which can be found on DVD and from time to time as Sci-Fi Channel repeats. "They're still on the Internet and still very supportive. To be a young actress still trying to make her way in this business, and to know there's a group of people out there that will support and watch you in whatever you do, it's so comforting."

Another project that gained Appleby attention was "Swimfan," the 2002 movie thriller dubbed a teen "Fatal Attraction" by many critics. "It's on cable all the time," she says, "which is both wonderful and quite surprising. We had a great time making it, but that it's always on TV somewhere is just crazy."

One "Swimfan" scene remains memorable for Appleby, since she was handcuffed to a chair and tossed into the deep end of a swimming pool. "They taught me how to scuba dive for the movie," she says, "and when we came in to shoot that day, my stunt double had never gone that far underwater without a mask on. She got really panicky and couldn't do it, and everyone sat around going, 'What are we gonna do?' I finally said, 'I'll do it,' and it was really fun. It definitely was not a normal day of work."

Appleby has another ABC Family movie slated to air in July: "Pizza My Heart," which she terms "a 'Romeo and Juliet' story set in the world of pizza." And she'll soon learn if ABC picks up her pilot for another series. She's in the ensemble cast of "1/4 Life," a post-college drama from "Once and Again" and "My So-Called Life" producers Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz.

"We're just sort of keeping our fingers crossed on that," Appleby says, "and looking for other interesting things to do. I want to work with people who are inspiring, and just look for good stories."
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Post by shiri11 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:54 am

Mnie powiedziano, ze mam za maly priorytet do przegladania strony cast news wiec jak poszperalam glebiej to okazalo sie, ze aby miec wyzszyt priorytet nalezy uiscic drobna zaplate a bardzo chcialam zobaczyc te zdjecia.

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Post by shiri11 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:57 am

Jak tam jest ladnie napisane you don't have access to this forum. You must have higher authority to access this forum
Bo byc z kims, kogo sam wybrales, to co innego niz byc z kims, kto wybral aby z Toba byc.

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Post by Lizziett » Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:18 am

To znaczy ze musisz wejść do Welcome Board i powiedzieć "Hey" :wink:
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Weronika Evans
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Post by Weronika Evans » Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:45 pm

Świetne fotki-te z premiery.hehe ale ona ma małe piersi :wink:

Ślicznie wyszła no i ma piękne włosy,idelanie ścięte i pocieniowane.
"I felt like Jason Behr and I had such a unique chemistry.
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Post by freja » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:05 pm

Weronika Evans wrote:Hehe ale ona ma małe piersi :wink:
Jakaś ty szczera :twisted: :shock: ale na szczęście ona sie tym nie przejmuje i nie zrobiła sobie operacji

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Post by Emila » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:29 pm

Na całe szczęście nie zrobiła sobie operacji!Według mnie lepiej być naturalnym niż sztucznym.
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Post by shiri11 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:44 pm

Lizziet widzisz jakam ja ciemna teraz juz moge wejsc dziekuje Ci i przepraszam, myslalam, ze trzeba placic oj dziekuje serdecznie glupiam.
Bo byc z kims, kogo sam wybrales, to co innego niz byc z kims, kto wybral aby z Toba byc.

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Weronika Evans
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Post by Weronika Evans » Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:27 pm

Oczywiście że dobrze że sobie żadych operacji nie robi!Przynajmniej jest naturalna no i bardziej do mnie podoba :wink: .Chwała jej za to...
"I felt like Jason Behr and I had such a unique chemistry.
He just walked in and we started reading together, it was just there." - Shiri

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Post by misiopuchatek » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:18 am

I kolejny film za nami...
"Everything You Want"

^ Roswell ??? 8)

Eh kiedy my to oglądniemy...


Screeny z powyższego wywiadu 8)


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Post by Lizka* » Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:25 pm

Ktos widzial juz to zdjecie ja nie :roll: :cheesy:


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Post by Magea » Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:03 pm

ja go wcześniej nie widziałam .. a wie ktos z kim Shiri stoi na tym zdjęciu no i skąd ono jest ?

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Post by misiopuchatek » Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:05 pm

Obstawiam Deal Of A Lifetime...ale nie wiem kto to jest...
Wreszcie zdjęcia z Palm Beach w przyzwoitej wielkości :twisted:
Miłego oglądania 8)



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Post by Lizka* » Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:20 pm

misiopuchatek dobrze obstawiasz :wink:
To z Deal Of A Lifetime ale tez nie wiem kim jest "ten" obok Shiri :D :D

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Post by Lizziett » Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:51 pm

Może już widzieliście a może nie, w każdym razie panom powinno sie spodobać :wink:

"I know who you are. I can see you. You're swearing now that someday you'll destroy me. Far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go look for them now." (Atia)

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Post by Lissy » Sat Apr 30, 2005 12:40 pm

Zdecydowanie nie przejmuje się tym że ma małe piersi. :wink:

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Post by ~Lenka~ » Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:05 pm

To nie jest czasem jakiś fotomontaż?? 8)

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Post by misiopuchatek » Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:31 pm

Jest w 100%. Jeśli dobrze pamiętam to to jest chyba Carly Pope...

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Post by Magea » Sat Apr 30, 2005 4:41 pm

Też sie zorientowałam już wczopraj że coś z tym zdjeciem musi byc nie tak .. jakas ta twarz dziwna :?

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Post by Graalion » Sat Apr 30, 2005 6:10 pm

Jasne że fotomontaż. Ale pomarzyć można.
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