Z Kivara zrobimy rolnika, Z Michaela konia, parę innych postaci poprzerabiamy na inne nowinki ze świata zoo (nie mylić z ograniczoną spółką) i George Orwell w wydaniu na puzon i trąbkę z domieszką Harlequeen'a gotowy. Ja stawiam
o wprost śliczne

zawsze uwielbiałam klimaty orwellowskie a Folwark to jedna z moich ulubuonych książek....ale przyznam że nigdy nie obsadzałam w głównych rolach Maxa i Liz

moja wyobraźnia ma jednak swoje granice.Jak ktoś wpadnie na pomysł roswelliańskiej przeróbki ( lub zarżnięcia- jak kto woli) mojej najukochańszej książki ( Mistrza i Małgorzaty) to proszę szybko dać mi znać

Tzw Challenge Response Fanfiction za granicą cieszą się sporym powodzeniem....mają nawet osobną kategorię w ramach fanficowych nagród....niekiedy ludzie miewają naprawdę znakomite pomysły, których nie potrafią urzeczywistnić, ale ktoś inny potrafi wysnuć z tego interesującą historię...czasami punktem wyjścia jest inpiracja jakimś fragmenem książki, wiersza czy filmu. Jak chociażby w przypadku "Antarian Sky" ("Vanilla Sky") albo "If I fall" ( "Miasto Aniołow").Może podam przykład, jak takie pomysły wyglądają na roswellfanatics. Tu sa dwa autorstwa Lone Freckle, ludzie dostali lekkiego świra na ich punkcie i jedna panna jest już w trakcie męki twórczej

rzuciwszy się na numer 1.Challenge 1- Taken by dreamer_forever13M/L, AU (or would it be CC??)-with aliens, Any ratingGeneral Plot:Michael is the king and Max is the second in command. Their powers are switched from like they are in the show. So when Liz is shot in the Crashdown, Max has to beg Michael to heal her. When Michael heals her, they exchange flashes and Liz sees into his soul. Liz is shocked as the two boys run out of the Crashdown, but she keeps Michael's promise to say that she only spilled ketchup on herself. Later, Liz corners Michael and asks about what happened. Touched by the flashes he got when he healed her, and drawn by a force within himself he can't explain, Michael explains that he, Max, and Isabel are aliens. For a while, Liz confuses her feelings over this incredible new discovery with the thought that maybe she's falling in love with Michael. As this happens though, Max is grilling Michael for information about Liz while being torn between happiness that Liz now knows his secret and disappointment that Liz is now connected to Michael, and not him. Eventually Liz worksthough her feelings and ends up with Max.Key Points:-The story should explore the dynamics between Michael and Max, switching their roles and leadership-There should be a little Polar attraction/confusion, but Liz most definitely ends up with Max in the end. You can decide how far you want the Liz/Michael to go.-As far as following the general cannon of the show, that's up to you. The most important thing is just that Michael is now the healer and Max can destroy. Whether you want Max to live with Hank, or for the family situations to stay the same, that's up to you.Challenge 3M/L, AU-aliens, Future Fic, Any Rating (NC 17 or R preferred)General Plot:Max and Liz have never met. Max is a native to Roswell and an alien along with his sister and 'brother' Michael. Liz has grown up in another part of New Mexico. This takes place in the (somewhat) far future and World War 3 has broken out. The details and politics of the war should be decided by the author, but there should most definitely be a fear of the end of the world. Many countries have nuclear weapons. The U.S. has decided to draft soldiers into war, and Max fresh out of his local college, is one of the men sent into war. Michael and Isabel plead with him to get out of it, but Max feels a duty to prove himself to the human race. Instead of being a threat to the human population by being an alien, Max sets out to prove just the opposite. He knows he cannot use his alien powers to further the war- he just wants to be a human with a cause, a feeling he has never experienced his whole life. Liz is also drafted into war (it's the future and women's rights have progressed, plus the US needs everyone they can get) as a soldier along side the other men and women. There should be some war scenes here, but the details are up to you. Eventually Liz is injured and Max goes to help his fellow soldier, only to find that it's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. He brings her back to camp and nurses her back to health, using his alien powers to save her. Max tells Liz the truth and the two (Max finding his purpose and Liz never wanting to go into war to begin with) want to leave the battle zones and just live a normal life together. But the war has gotten too intense, that if Max were not to do something, Max and Liz would never have a planet to live together on (Earth is getting nuked into oblivion, and Antar is just not a part of the equation) so they must stay in the war. Eventually, Max thinks that he must use his powers in his missions (he doesn't care anymore, he just wants to be with Liz) to end the war. He does so, thinking he can save the planet while keeping his secret quiet by passing off the credit to Alex, another man on his mission. However, some fellow soldiers see him and Max's cover as an alien is blown. He has stopped the war, saved an entire planet, but also just outed himself as an alien. Liz stands by him, and after a lot of explaining, public relations and all that, Max is finally free to go home with Liz while everyone in the world knows his secret and most are grateful to him.Key Points:-Obviously being a war story and a future fic, this story will have to get political. I'm very anti-war and liberal, but I respect whatever angle the writer of this story would like to take. In the end of the war though these things should be true: there is no real winner, the planet survives instead of nuking itself and men and women are lost on all sides of the war- nobody is *right* or on the right side. I'd rather the story also wasn't very pro-American, but instead focused more on the individual people involved rather than the countries as whole.-Exploring the technology of the future could also be an intersting part of this fic. What new weapons, machines have we been able to create?
"I know who you are. I can see you. You're swearing now that someday you'll destroy me. Far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go look for them now." (Atia)
""You...have...a rotten soul" (Cleopatra)