Kim jesteś?
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 4:32 pm
Wszyscy wiemy, jak nazywają się fani Maxa i Liz, Marii i Michaela... A gdyby to tak wszystko zebrać razem? Kiedyś już to chyba robiliśmy, ale jakoś nie mogę tego znaleźć
Oto, co znalazłam na jednej ze stron /te co ciekawsze, tłumaczyć chyba nie trzeba/ :
Michael Guerin / Brendan Fehr
BAK- Brendan Ass Kisser (defenders of Brendan)
Fehrian - Fans of Brendan Fehr
Lolly -Fans of Michael
Mohawk- Fans of Rath
Pimpette - j.w.
LaFehrs - Latin Fehrians
BOFs Brendan's Older Fans
Max Evans / Jason Behr
Behrian - Fans of Jason Behr
Healer - Fans of Max
Koala Behrs - Australian Fans of Jason Behr
MOB - Mark of the Behr - women who has silver handprint tattoos
Truckstopper - fan of Zan
Liz Parker / Shiri Appleby
Applesaucer - fan of Shiri Appleby
Journal Keeper - fan of Liz
Liz Myths - those who speculate on Liz's importance to the alien mythology
LPGA - the Liz Parker Guardian Angels
Maria DeLuca / Majandra Delfino
MAK - Majandra Ass Kisser (defenders of Majandra)
Teflon Babe - fan of Maria (dlaczego teflon...?)
Pixie Chicks - fans of Majandra Delfino
Isabel Evans / Katherine Heigl
Juliet - fan of Lonnie (taa, ona ma tyle z Julii...)
Wild Ones - fans of Katherine Heigl and Isabel
Tess Harding / Emilie DeRavin
Alleycat - fan of Ava
Hussy - fan of Tess
Ravisher - fan of Emilie de Ravin (coś dla Kwiatuszka
Gerbil Tess
Snake Tess
Trash Tess (to już chyba przesada)
Kyle Valenti /Nick Weschler
Brats - Nick Wechsler fans
Cheerleader - fan of Kyle
Stalker - fan of the Season One Kyle
KVEB - Kyle Valenti Estrogen Brigade
Cowgirl - another name for Kyle fans
Alex Whitman / Colin Hanks
Donor - fan of Alex
Hanker - fan of Colin Hanks
Jim Valenti / William Sadler
Valentine - fan of Sheriff Valenti and William Sadler
Mr. V - nickname for William Sadler/ Jim Valenti (and Sadler's username)
Other Characters
Abductee - fan of Brody Davis
Conradical-Deceiver - fan of David Conrad / Agent Pierce
Delinquents - fans of Sean DeLuca
Handcuffer fan of Deputy Hanson
Shade- fan of Nicholas
Snake Charmer - fan of Courtney
Wolfe Packer - Fan of Nasedo
Holomom / Momogram - Max and Isabel's biological alien mother
The Automobiles
Bob - Max's Jeep
Elle - Max's Chevelle
Genie - Maria's Jetta
Awakened Dreamers - Liz/Zan
Blonde Attitude - Maria and Isabel (yhh!)
Candygirl (or boy) - Michael/Maria. Both of them, the Candyclan
Catfighters - Liz and Tess
Chemists - the fans who discuss chemistry between Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby
Cliffhanger - Michael and Isabel
Combustibles - Maria/Sean (no no no...)
Corn-Fed Lady - Hal and Betty (from 'Summer Of '47')
Cruel Desires - Liz/Nicholas (o rany, faktycznie okrutne pragnienia... choć pewien sposób interesujące
Dreamers - Max and Liz fans
Fifth Wheeler - Alex/Tess
Fryers - Liz/Sean
Fugitives - Alex/Laurie Dupree
Groupies - Maria/Alex
Ground Zero - (or GZ) Max and Maria
Guides - Liz/Topolsky
Hotwarpers - Tess/Zan
In Crowd (stąd Incrowded) - Kyle and Isabel
Jailbaiters - Alex/Topolsky
Jumpers - Liz/Rath
Knockouts - Alex/Michael
Lamptrimmer - a newer Kyle/Tess name
Lizizards - Liz and Isabel
Mental Vibrators - Tess/Michael
Mikey's Angels - Courtney and Maria
Mind Shifters - Tess/Nasedo
Outsiders - Max/Isabel
Peanut M&Ms - Max/Michael (nigdy w życiu...)
Pillow Fighters - another name for Liz/Sean
Polarist - Michael and Liz
Pod Squad - The four aliens
Punkrocker - Zan/Ava
Rebels - Max and Tess
Rebounders - most common Kyle/Tess name
Shipwreckers - another name for Max/Tess
Sleepers - another name for Max/Michael
Stargazer - Alex/Isabel
Stimulator - Michael and Courtney
Sweet Torturer - Agent Pierce and Max
Three Muskateers - Max/Isabel/Michael threesome shippers
Untuckables - Sheriff Valenti and Amy Deluca
Wallpapers - Alex/Lonnie shippers
Whirlwind Romantics - Isabel/Jesse
Wrestlers - Amy/Michael
WWF Crashdown - Amy/Sheriff/Michael threesome shippers
i jeszcze nazwa francuskich fanów (bardzo na miejscu
UFO - United French Organization
Mam wrażenie, że czegoś jeszcze nie zamieściłam. Znacie coś jeszcze...?
A wy - kim jesteście...?

Michael Guerin / Brendan Fehr
BAK- Brendan Ass Kisser (defenders of Brendan)
Fehrian - Fans of Brendan Fehr
Lolly -Fans of Michael
Mohawk- Fans of Rath
Pimpette - j.w.
LaFehrs - Latin Fehrians
BOFs Brendan's Older Fans
Max Evans / Jason Behr
Behrian - Fans of Jason Behr
Healer - Fans of Max
Koala Behrs - Australian Fans of Jason Behr
MOB - Mark of the Behr - women who has silver handprint tattoos
Truckstopper - fan of Zan
Liz Parker / Shiri Appleby
Applesaucer - fan of Shiri Appleby
Journal Keeper - fan of Liz
Liz Myths - those who speculate on Liz's importance to the alien mythology
LPGA - the Liz Parker Guardian Angels
Maria DeLuca / Majandra Delfino
MAK - Majandra Ass Kisser (defenders of Majandra)
Teflon Babe - fan of Maria (dlaczego teflon...?)
Pixie Chicks - fans of Majandra Delfino
Isabel Evans / Katherine Heigl
Juliet - fan of Lonnie (taa, ona ma tyle z Julii...)
Wild Ones - fans of Katherine Heigl and Isabel
Tess Harding / Emilie DeRavin
Alleycat - fan of Ava
Hussy - fan of Tess
Ravisher - fan of Emilie de Ravin (coś dla Kwiatuszka

Gerbil Tess
Snake Tess
Trash Tess (to już chyba przesada)
Kyle Valenti /Nick Weschler
Brats - Nick Wechsler fans
Cheerleader - fan of Kyle
Stalker - fan of the Season One Kyle
KVEB - Kyle Valenti Estrogen Brigade
Cowgirl - another name for Kyle fans
Alex Whitman / Colin Hanks
Donor - fan of Alex
Hanker - fan of Colin Hanks
Jim Valenti / William Sadler
Valentine - fan of Sheriff Valenti and William Sadler
Mr. V - nickname for William Sadler/ Jim Valenti (and Sadler's username)
Other Characters
Abductee - fan of Brody Davis
Conradical-Deceiver - fan of David Conrad / Agent Pierce
Delinquents - fans of Sean DeLuca
Handcuffer fan of Deputy Hanson
Shade- fan of Nicholas
Snake Charmer - fan of Courtney
Wolfe Packer - Fan of Nasedo
Holomom / Momogram - Max and Isabel's biological alien mother
The Automobiles
Bob - Max's Jeep
Elle - Max's Chevelle
Genie - Maria's Jetta
Awakened Dreamers - Liz/Zan
Blonde Attitude - Maria and Isabel (yhh!)
Candygirl (or boy) - Michael/Maria. Both of them, the Candyclan
Catfighters - Liz and Tess
Chemists - the fans who discuss chemistry between Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby
Cliffhanger - Michael and Isabel
Combustibles - Maria/Sean (no no no...)
Corn-Fed Lady - Hal and Betty (from 'Summer Of '47')
Cruel Desires - Liz/Nicholas (o rany, faktycznie okrutne pragnienia... choć pewien sposób interesujące

Dreamers - Max and Liz fans
Fifth Wheeler - Alex/Tess
Fryers - Liz/Sean
Fugitives - Alex/Laurie Dupree
Groupies - Maria/Alex
Ground Zero - (or GZ) Max and Maria
Guides - Liz/Topolsky
Hotwarpers - Tess/Zan
In Crowd (stąd Incrowded) - Kyle and Isabel
Jailbaiters - Alex/Topolsky
Jumpers - Liz/Rath
Knockouts - Alex/Michael
Lamptrimmer - a newer Kyle/Tess name
Lizizards - Liz and Isabel
Mental Vibrators - Tess/Michael
Mikey's Angels - Courtney and Maria

Mind Shifters - Tess/Nasedo
Outsiders - Max/Isabel
Peanut M&Ms - Max/Michael (nigdy w życiu...)
Pillow Fighters - another name for Liz/Sean
Polarist - Michael and Liz
Pod Squad - The four aliens
Punkrocker - Zan/Ava
Rebels - Max and Tess
Rebounders - most common Kyle/Tess name
Shipwreckers - another name for Max/Tess
Sleepers - another name for Max/Michael
Stargazer - Alex/Isabel
Stimulator - Michael and Courtney
Sweet Torturer - Agent Pierce and Max
Three Muskateers - Max/Isabel/Michael threesome shippers
Untuckables - Sheriff Valenti and Amy Deluca
Wallpapers - Alex/Lonnie shippers
Whirlwind Romantics - Isabel/Jesse
Wrestlers - Amy/Michael
WWF Crashdown - Amy/Sheriff/Michael threesome shippers
i jeszcze nazwa francuskich fanów (bardzo na miejscu

UFO - United French Organization
Mam wrażenie, że czegoś jeszcze nie zamieściłam. Znacie coś jeszcze...?
A wy - kim jesteście...?